Monday, June 30, 2014

Tuesday July 1st, 2014

BRID warm up

8x2 bench
(rest as needed)

rep test @ 70% of heaviest set of above

800m run
40 L pull ups
800m run
40 strict pull ups
800m run
40 kipping pull ups

3 rounds (for quality)
4 bar muscle ups
20m handstand walk
2 legless rope climbs
(focus on technique and efficiency of each movement) 

Monday June 30th, 2014

BRID warm up

5x1 snatch
(sets need to be performed @ 85-90%)
(rest as needed)

5x2 snatch grip behind the neck push press
(rest as needed)

Gymnastics Intervals
5 ring dips every :20 x 10 sets
--then, after no break--
5 hspu every :30 x 10 sets

:09 on + :21 off x 8 sets

Saturday June 28th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM clean and jerk (movement efficiency work)
5 reps x 5 sets @ 155/105#
(must be unbroken)

6x3 front squat
(rest as needed)

20:00 amrap
400m run
5 pull up + toe 2 bar
10 box jump over 24/20
15 wall balls 20/14

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Friday June 27th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM power snatch 135/95
(movement efficiency work)
2 reps every :20 x 4 sets (8 total reps)
3 reps every :30 x 4 sets (12 total reps)
2 reps every :20 x 5 sets (10 total reps)

5x3 deadlift
(drop and reset each rep)
(rest as needed)

5 rounds (focus on the technique of each movement)
3 skin the cat (keep everything tight and crisp)
6 ring hspu
9 toes to rings (focus on staying tight here, as if kipping for a muscle up on the back swing)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wednesday June 25th, 2014

BRID warm up

6x1 power clean + full clean
(drop and reset)
(rest as needed)

6x3 back squat
(rest as needed)

3 rounds (rest 5:00)
75 double unders
15 hang power cleans 155/105
15 sh2oh 155/105

push ups (strict)
5 reps every :20 x 20 sets 

Tuesday June 24th, 2014

BRID warm up

8x2 strict press
(rest as needed)

500m row
20 parallette hspu (8" deficit)
500m row
20 strict hspu
500m row
20 kipping hspu

3 rounds (for quality)
 5  muscle ups
10 barefoot pistols
 2  legless rope climbs
(if you struggle with any of these, do progressions for that movement. now is the time for progressions, not just continuing to use poor form or skip reps)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Monday June 23rd, 2014

BRID warm up
(if you cannot remember it, its the same one from the last 5-6 weeks)

6x1 power snatch + squat snatch
(drop and reset)
(rest as needed)

5x2 heaving snatch balance
(technique work- focus on dropping quickly)
(rest as needed)

gymnastics work (muscle ups)
(this is with a continuous clock)
1 every :20 x 10 sets (10 reps)
2 every :30 x  5  sets (10 reps)
1 every :20 x 10 sets (10 reps)
(technique focus. if you cannot do all reps clean and with proper technique, scale in some way)

l-sit holds
:08 on + :22 off x 8 sets

Saturday June 21st, 2014


400m run
25 calorie AD

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

20:00 to establish a 1-rep max front squat

5 rounds
400m run
15 thrusters 95/65

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday June 20th, 2014


500m row

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

20:00 to establish a 1-rep max clean and jerk

50 strict handstand push ups (for time)
(Regionals standard)

2k row (max effort)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wednesday June 18th, 2014


400m run

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

20:00 to establish 1-rep max back squat
(once weight hits 155/95, time starts. warm up for as much as you want prior to those weights)

5:00 push up test (max reps)

Tuesday June 17th, 2014


25 calorie AD

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squats 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

20:00 to establish a 1RM push press

3xME strict pull up
(rest 3:00 between sets)

bar facing burpees
deadlift 275/185
ring dips

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday June 16th, 2014


500m row

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

20:00 to find 1rm snatch

10:00 airdyne for calories (MAX effort)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Saturday June 14th, 2014

25 calorie AD
400m run

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

5 rounds
400m run
 7  strict handstand push ups
14 alternating pistols
21 chest to bar pull ups

   strict ring dip
(alternate or rest 1:1)

Friday June 13th, 2014

500m row

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

10x1 clean + 2 jerks
(rest as needed)

4x10 back squat
(rest as needed)

tabata push ups x 2 sets
(rest 4:00 between sets) 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday June 11th, 2014

400m run

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 hip extension

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

10x1 power clean
(heaviest possible)
(rest as needed)

7x1 front squats
(rest as needed)

3 rounds (rest 3:00)
20 burpees
15 toes to bar
10 hang power snatch 145/100
 5  muscle ups

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10- push ups
(alternate with a partner or rest 1:1)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday June 10th, 2014

25 calorie AD

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 GHD sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

3-2-1-3-2-1 push press
(heaviest possible)
(rest as needed)

strict pull up
(100m jog after each set)

3 rounds
21 push press 115#
3 legless rope climbs
27 GHD sit ups

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Monday June 9th, 2014

500m row

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 GHD sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

7x3 TnG snatch
(rest as needed)
(heaviest possible)

3-2-1-3-2-1 back squat
(rest as needed)
(heaviest possible)

AirDyne- 1:00 on + 1:00 off x 12 sets
(rest 4:00 after 6 sets)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saturday June 7th, 2014

25 calorie airdyne
400m run

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 ghd sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

3 rounds
800m run
30 db squat cleans 50/35
30 burpees

strict hspu
(walk 50m after each set) 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday June 6th, 2014

500m row

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 GHD sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

10x1 clean + front squat + jerk
(heavy as possible)
(rest as needed)

5x6 back squats
(rest as needed)

3:00 push up test
(max sets of 5 in 3:00)
(add 10# every 5 reps until failure)
(once failed, drop all weight and hit max reps push ups in the remaining time)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday June 4th, 2014

400m run

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 GHD sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

7x2 clean
(drop and reset)
(rest as needed)

7x2 front squat
(rest as needed)

5 rounds (rest 3:00)
1 legless rope climb
10 burpees
10 alternating db snatch 70/50
10 power clean 135/95
1 legless rope climb

deficit push ups--hands on 45# plates
(50m jog after each set) 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

25 calorie AD

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 GHD sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

7x3 behind the neck push press
(rest as needed)

10:00 AMRAP
5 bar muscle ups
10 thrusters 135/95

strict chest to bar pull ups
(50m jog after each set)

Monday June 2nd, 2014

500m row

2x5 wall squat
2x10 goblet squat 53/35
2x10 wall ball 25/20

2x20 walking lunge
2x10 GHD sit up

4x10 leg swing
2x10 pvc pass through

10x1 power snatch
(work to heaviest possible w/ proper technique)
(rest as needed)

5-3-1-5-3-1 back squat
(rest as needed)

AirDyne- :15 on + :15 off x 30 sets