Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday July 21st, 2014

BRID warm up

5x4 hang snatch (unbroken)
(rest as needed)

5x2 snatch pulls
(performed @ 100%+ of 1RM snatch)
(rest as needed)

30 muscle ups (for time)

:12 on / :18 off x 8 sets

Saturday July 19th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM clean and jerks (efficiency work)
3 reps (tNg) x 7 sets @ 65% of 1RM
(power clean and push jerk)

5x5 front squats
(rest as needed)

For time:
2k row
200 double unders
100 calorie AD
100 double unders
100 calorie AD
 50 double uncers
2k row

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday July 18th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM snatch (efficiency work)
3 reps tNg x 7 sets @ 60% of 1RM
(full snatches)

5x4 deadlift
(touch N go)
(rest as needed)

25 l pull ups
25 strict hspu
25 strict ring dips
25 strict toes 2 bar

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday July 16th, 2014

BRID warm up

3x2, 3x1 clean
(drop and reset)
(medium on doubles)
(heavy on singles)
(rest as needed)

5x5 back squats
(rest as needed)

3 rounds (rest 4:00 between rounds)
400m run
10 front squats 185/125
200m run
10 shoulder2overhead 185/125

Push ups
8 every :20 x 20 sets

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday July 15th, 2014

BRID warm up

8x2 push press
(rest as needed)

10 rounds
12 burpees
12 pull ups

3 rounds (for quality)
15 toes 2 rings
20 alternating pistols (barefoot)
 3  legless rope climbs

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday July 14th, 2014

BRID warm up

3x2, 3x1 snatch
(medium weight on the doubles)
(heavy weight on the singles)
(drop and reset on doubles)
(rest as needed)

5x2 pressing snatch balance
(technique focus)
(rest as needed)

Gymnastics (muscle ups)
1 x max set for the day
rest 5:00
then, emotm x 5
4 reps if 10+ on max set
3 reps if 7-10 on max set
2 reps if 4-6 on max set
1 rep if 1-3 on max set

L-sit holds
:11 on + :19 on x 8 sets

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday July 12th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM full clean and split jerk (efficiency work)
1 rep @ 75% every :30 x 20 sets

7x1 front squat
(rest as needed)

2 rounds
800m run
30 kb swings 53/35#
25 burpees to plate
 7  muscle ups 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Friday July 11th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM snatch (efficiency work)
1 rep @ 75% every :30 x 20 sets

7x1 deadlift
(rest as needed)

5 rounds (for quality)
3 skin the cats
6 parallette handstand push ups (ab mat)
9 hollow rocks (move slow and controlled)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday July 9th, 2014

BRID warm up

5x2 clean
(drop and reset)
(rest as needed)

7x1 back squat
(rest as needed)

3 rounds (rest 4:00)
30 calorie airdyne
25 wall balls 20/14#
20m front rack walking lunge 135/95#

push ups
7 reps every :20 x 20 sets 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Tuesday July 8th, 2014

BRID warm up

8x2 split jerk
(off blocks if possible)
(focus a lot of positioning)
(rest as needed)

10 rounds
1:00 of rowing (score=meters)
rest :15
:30 shoulder 2 overhead 95/65#
rest :15

3 rounds (for QUALITY)
15 toes2bar
15 strict ring dips
15m handstand walk

Monday July 7th, 2014

BRID warm up

5x2 snatch
(drop and reset)
(rest as needed)

5x5 overhead squat
(focus on position and depth)
(rest as needed)

gymnastics (muscle ups)
3 every :45 x 5 sets
2 every :30 x 5 sets
1 every :30 x 5 sets
(scale numbers as needed)
(focus on movement efficiency and technique)

l-sit holds
:10 on + :20 off x 8 sets

Saturday July 5th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM clean and jerk (efficiency work)
185/125# x 3 reps x 6 sets

5x2 front squat
(rest as needed)

2 rounds
1000m row
40 alternating db snatch 70/50#
40 GHD sit ups

Friday July 4th, 2014

BRID warm up

EMOTM snatch
2 tNg full snatch @ 70% of 1RM

6x2 deadlift
(touch N go)
(rest as needed)

Accumulate (not for time):
40 strict toes 2 bar
20 freestanding hspu
20 muscle ups

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wednesday July 2nd, 2014

BRID warm up

5x1 clean
(rest as needed)

5x2 back squat
(rest as needed)

3 rounds (rest 4:00 between rounds)
25 burpees
20 overhead squats 155/105#
150m row

push ups
6 reps every :20 x 20 sets